2025 Jubilee Celebration

The Jubilee year is a special celebration that takes place every 25 years, and is designed to help the Church turn toward God with thanksgiving and repentance. This tradition is is rooted in the Israelite’s celebration of the Jubilee in the seventh sabbath year when debts would be forgiven, property returned, and slaves set free. The hope of this practice was to act as a reminder to honor God and that all things belong to Him.

One of the ways that the church celebrates this time is by opening up the Holy Doors and allowing pilgrims to pass through. The doors are sealed for 24 years with constructed walls and are ceremonially broken down at the beginning of the 25th year and remain open until the end of the year. Pilgrims are encouraged to come witness the universality of the Catholic Church and walk through the Holy Doors, a symbol of conversion and the gentleness of God.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

Pope Francis named the theme

of this year “Pilgrims of Hope”

He reflects on the meaning of this by saying:

“My thoughts turn to all those pilgrims of hope who will travel to Rome in order to experience the Holy Year and to all those others who, though unable to visit the City of the Apostles Peter and Paul, will celebrate it in their local Churches. For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” (Jn 10:7.9) of our salvation, whom the Church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as “our hope” (1 Tim 1:1)” 

Italy Journeys

  • Pilgrimage to Italy and Medjugorje with Fr. Herb Bennerfield Celebrating His 25th Ordination Anniversary

    Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Italy

    with Fr. Herb Bennerfield

    Celebrating His 25th Ordination Anniversary

    May 12–21, 2025

  • High School Class of 2025 Pilgrimage to Italy

    High School Class of 2025 Pilgrimage to Italy

    with Fr. Alex Lancon

    May 31–June 9, 2025

  • DOL Office of Worship & Liturgy, Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy

    Diocese of Lafayette, Office of Worship & Liturgy, Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy

    Fr. Alexander Albert and Fr. Don Bernard

    September 15–24, 2025

  • Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    with Fr. Doug Busch

    October 1–10, 2025

  • St. Bernard Catholic Church Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    St. Bernard Catholic Church Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    with Fr. Garrett McIntyre

    October 21–30, 2025

  • Our Lady of Lourdes Foundation Pilgrimage to France and Italy

    Our Lady of Lourdes Foundation Pilgrimage to France and Italy

    In Celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes Health’s 75th Anniversary

    with Fr. Louis Richard

    November 1–12, 2025

  • Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    with Fr. Angel Diaz & Fr. Pedro Prada

    November 3–13, 2025

  • Italy

    Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy

    with Fr. Hampton Davis and Fr. Keith Pellerin

    November 17–28, 2025


Reflection on the Jubilee Year

Fr. Pedro Prada, ChLJ, KG, KGCG, KCMA

Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church

Franklinton, LA

What does leading a Jubilee pilgrimage mean to you? 

It might be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some, yet it is also a moment of grace to walk together as members of the Family of God to encounter his Grace and share our witness of faith, that confluence in a physical place in time and space as a sign of unity. 

Why do you believe a Jubilee pilgrimage holds significance for fellow pilgrims?

It helps to strengthen each other in our journey of life, how regardless of different languages, cultures and backgrounds, we come together as one family under the loving care and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Very Rev. Norbert Maduzia, Jr., E.V., D. Min.

Pastor, Saint Ignatius Catholic Church

Episcopal Vicar - Northern Vicariate

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

What does leading a Jubilee pilgrimage mean to you?

It is an opportunity to join with the universal Church is celebrating the Hope that is ours through our sharing in the mysteries of faith. Hope does not disappoint! … join with the whole Church to bask in God’s grace, mercy, and blessings.

Fr. Doug Busch

Pastor, Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church

Mandeville, LA

What aspects are you most looking forward to experiencing? 

The Holy Spirit has moved throughout the millennia-drawing individuals into the reality of the Holy Trinity. This Jubilee pilgrimage will be yet another experience of the Holy Spirit!

Very Rev. James Burkart, Pastor, Vicar Forane (Dean)

Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Why do you believe a Jubilee pilgrimage holds significance for fellow pilgrims?

Many will travel to Italy and Rome to experience the 2025 Jubilee Year, but God will offer His Hope to anyone, anywhere, who seeks Him and wishes to open themselves up to the Holy Spirit.